time UNIX timestamp varchar
loc_list_pk Primary key of 'meme_loc_list' table varchar
author_pk Primary key of 'meme_author_list' table varchar
age_upper Upper (Younger) age boundary in decimal millions of years varchar
age_lower Lower (Older) age boundary in decimal millions of years varchar
age_direct Direct age or average age in decimal millions of years varchar
date_meth_ABR Dating method abbreviated in to 3 capital letters separated by semicolons. See following table for abbreviations used. i. e. 'URN; ARG; PMG;' varchar
date_refs_notes Reference for date, prefereably a citation of an accessible source. text
hom_species_lumper Species lumped for search functionality into simple groups, separated by semicolons. See following table for groups used. i. e. 'Australopithecus-Homo divergence; robust Australopithecus;' varchar
hom_species_notes Species present (any taxonomic names are allowed), notes and citations on biology and systemtics, links to key specimen information. text
industry Archaeology lumped into Grahame Clark's modes spelled without a space between 'mode' and the number (for example 'mode3'), separated by semicolons. i. e.  'mode1; mode3;' varchar
mat_cult Notes and citations on material culture. Any terminology may be used and will be visible to searches. text
loc_notes Notes and ctiaitons about locality, including fauna, paleoalndscape, ecology, and other information relevant to prehistory, but not specifically hominid biology or lithic technology. text
paleoanth_notes General notes on paleoanthropology, including discussions of locality history and logistics. text
user_notes Private notes for the contributor that are not visible to the general public. text