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Sites with age ranges that overlap or fall within the period from
Ma     Ma  Keyword search: INSTRUCTIONS
~66,250 years old          
Locality: Huanglong Cave, Hubei Province, China

(age between 0.105 Ma and 0.0275 Ma based on ESR, U-Series)
~67,500 years old          
Locality: Teshik-Tash, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

(age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unspecified)
~67,500 years old          
Locality: Abu Hugar, , Sudan

(age between 0.125 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on Late Pleistocene based on fauna. Very imprecise.)
~90,000 years old          
Locality: Bir Sahara, Sahara, Egypt

(age between 0.11 Ma and 0.07 Ma based on TL and optical dates)
~99,000 years old          
Locality: Blombos M3 level, M3 level, South Africa

(age between 0.104 Ma and 0.094 Ma based on Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL))
~100,000 years old          
Locality: Adrar Bous, Tenere Desert, Niger

(age between 0.15 Ma and 0.05 Ma based on Guess based on dated sites that seem to have occurred in the same period of lake formation in the area. H. Gilbert reduced the upper (younger) age by another 25,000 years because the estimate was very crude, and possibly an overestimate.)
~103,500 years old          
Locality: Liujiang, Guangxi, China

(age between 0.139 Ma and 0.068 Ma based on U-series (stratigraphy is contested. see: Brown, P. (2001)))
~105,000 years old          
Locality: Eliye Springs, West Turkana, Kenya, Kenya

(age between 0.2 Ma and 0.01 Ma based on unclear based on morphology of cranium.)
~106,000 years old          
Locality: Moula Guecy, Rhône river valley, France

(age between 0.140 Ma and 0.072 Ma based on Thermoluminescence and biostratigraphy)
~110,000 years old          
Locality: Scladina, Grotte Scladina, Parc National de Furfooz, Meuse Basin, Belgium

(age between 0.160 Ma and 0.060 Ma based on 230Th/U data correlated to the marine oxygen isotopic record and magnetic susceptibility (MS) )
~110,000 years old          
Locality: Bir Tarfawi, Sahara, Egypt

(age between 0.14 Ma and 0.08 Ma based on TL and optical dates)
~110,500 years old          
Locality: Mulan Mountain, Guangxi, China

(age between 0.111 Ma and 0.11 Ma based on U isotope)
~112,500 years old          
Locality: Jebel Faya, ~55 km from both the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf and directly south of the Straits of Hormuz; جبل الفاية , United Arab Emirates

(age between 0.143 Ma and 0.082 Ma based on OSL)
~114,500 years old          
Locality: Xujiayao, Liyigou stream, Sanggan River, near Xujiayao village, Yanggao County, Shanxi Province, China

(age between 0.125 Ma and 0.104 Ma based on Uranium-series on Rhino teeth from the site)
~115,000 years old          
Locality: Dar-es-Soltane, Maghreb region, Morocco

(age between 0.15 Ma and 0.08 Ma based on OSL)
~115,000 years old          
Locality: Saccopastore, vallée de l'Anienne (northeast Rome), Italy

(age between 0.13 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on Marine Oxegen Isotope Stage (OIS) correlation)
~115,500 years old          
Locality: Border Cave, Lebombo Mountains, South Africa

(age between 0.17 Ma and 0.061 Ma based on ESR, but some proveniece problems)
~117,000 years old          
Locality: Skhul, ain Ghazal, Israel

(age between 0.134 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on ESR, U-series)
~118,000 years old          
Locality: Sodmein Cave, Red Sea Mountains, Egypt

(age between 0.127 Ma and 0.109 Ma based on Thermoluminescence dating of burned artifacts)
~120,000 years old          
Locality: Haua Fteah, (Great Cave), Libya

(age between 0.15 Ma and 0.090 Ma based on TL, OSL, MSA artifacts)
~127,500 years old          
Locality: Stajnia Cave, Grzeda Mirowska, North of the Carpathian Mountains, southern Poland, Poland

(age between 0.175 Ma and 0.08 Ma based on biochronological correlation with OIS 5 or late OIS 6)
~133,000 years old          
Locality: Maba or Mapa, (Mapa), Lion Rock (狮子山), Maba Man Relic Park, Shidushan Hill, Shaokuan Municipality (Chuchiang District), Kwantung Province, Guangdong, China

(age between 0.15 Ma and 0.116 Ma based on U-series)
~142,000 years old          
Locality: Pinnacle Point, Mossel Bay, South Africa

(age between 0.164 Ma and 0.120 Ma based on OSL)
~142,500 years old          
Locality: Narmada, Boulder Conglomerate (Surajkund Formation), Hathnora, Narmada Basin, India

(age between 0.236 Ma and 0.049 Ma based on ESR, U-series, and significant guesswork)
~143,500 years old          
Locality: Einhornhohle, (Unicorn Cave), Scharzfeld, Germany

(age between 0.192 Ma and 0.095 Ma based on 230Th/U)
~145,000 years old          
Locality: Omo Kibish, Kibish Formation, Ethiopia

(age between 0.19 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on K-Ar)
~145,500 years old          
Locality: Singa, Blue Nile basin, Sudan

(age between 0.16 Ma and 0.131 Ma based on ESR, U-series)
~152,000 years old          
Locality: Abdur, Buri peninsula, Danakil depression, Eritrea

(age between 0.186 Ma and 0.118 Ma based on Uranium series)
~152,500 years old          
Locality: Le lazaret, Grotto on southeast base of Mont Boron just above sea level. La lazaret is only about 1km from Terra Amata , Italy

(age between 0.19 Ma and 0.115 Ma based on U-Th:ESR dating applied to red deer enamel)
~157,000 years old          
Locality: Middle Awash Herto Member, Middle Awash area, Bouri Formation, Ethiopia

(age between 0.16 Ma and 0.154 Ma based on K-Ar)
~160,000 years old          
Locality: Jebel Irhoud, near Sidi Moktar, about 100 km west of Marrakesh, Morocco

(age between 0.176 Ma and 0.144 Ma based on U-series/ESR)
~160,500 years old          
Locality: Wonderwerk Cave; Major Unit 2 (Exc. 2 2a 2b; Exc. 3 2 & 3; Exc. 5 2; Exc 6. 3UP; Exc. 7 Spits), Kuruman Hills, situated between Danielskuil and Kuruman in the Northern Cape Province, South Africa

(age between 0.234 Ma and 0.087 Ma based on U-series)
~175,000 years old          
Locality: Biache-Saint-Vaast 2, Pas-de-Calais, France

(age between 0.20 Ma and 0.15 Ma based on ESL, TL, biochron? not strong)
~182,000 years old          
Locality: Kalambo Falls Acheulean units, Acheulean units, Zambia, Tanzania

(age between 0.198 Ma and 0.166 Ma based on U-series)
~200,000 years old          
Locality: Pontnnewydd, near Bontnewydd, wales, Great Britain

(age between 0.250 Ma and 0.150 Ma based on Thermoluminescence and Uranium-series)
~205,000 years old          
Locality: Dali, Shaanxi, China

(age between 0.23 Ma and 0.18 Ma based on U-series)
~220,500 years old          
Locality: Sambungmachan, Java, Indonesia

(age between 0.401 Ma and 0.04 Ma based on ESR, U-series)
~225,000 years old          
Locality: Cave of Hearths Bed 6-9, Makapansgat, northern Transvaal, South Africa

(age between 0.400 Ma and 0.050 Ma based on Inferred from surrounding dated units)
~225,000 years old          
Locality: Cave of Hearths Bed 5, Makapansgat, northern Transvaal, South Africa

(age between 0.400 Ma and 0.050 Ma based on Inferred from surrounding dated units)
~225,000 years old          
Locality: Cave of Hearths Bed 4, Makapansgat, northern Transvaal, South Africa

(age between 0.400 Ma and 0.050 Ma based on Inferred from surrounding dated units)
~226,000 years old          
Locality: Biache-Saint-Vaast, Pas-de-Calais, France

(age between 0.290 Ma and 0.162 Ma based on TL, ESR, MIS 7 )
~237,500 years old          
Locality: Kabwe or Broken Hill, Central Province, Zambia

(age between 0.3 Ma and 0.175 Ma based on unspecified)
~244,000 years old          
Locality: Lake Eyasi, Gregory Rift, Tanzania

(age between 0.4 Ma and 0.088 Ma based on ESR, U-series)
~270,000 years old          
Locality: Petralona, Katsika (Goat) mountain, Halkidiki, Greece

(age between 0.39 Ma and 0.15 Ma based on unspecified (a personal communication cited in Bischoff group paper cited here))
~280,000 years old          
Locality: Duinefontein, Koeberg Nature Reserve, South Africa

(age between 0.4 Ma and 0.16 Ma based on Biostrat and Uranium-series)
~300,000 years old          
Locality: Koobi Fora Upper Chari Member, Koobi Fora Formation (formerly part of the Guomde Formation), East Lake Turkana, Kenya

(age between 0.5 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on Guesswork, but certainly above lower Chari Member, which tops out at 730k. "The stratigraphic revision at Koobi Fora covers only the Omo Group deposits there, but some later deposits do occur in the region. Two hominids, KNM-ER 999 and KNMER 3884, were formerly attributed to the Guomde Formation, most of which has been subsumed into the Chari Member of the Koobi Fora Formation (Brown and Feibel, 1986). These two fossils, however, derive from undifferentiated later deposits, probably in the time span 0.5 to 0.1 my."
-Feibel et al. (2005)
~300,000 years old          
Locality: Loyangalani (Kenya), southeastern coast of Lake Turkana, Kenya

(age between 0.50 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on data unavailable)
~300,000 years old          
Locality: Ngandong, Java, Indonesia

(age between 0.550 Ma and 0.050 Ma based on Biochron, argon argon, and hope)
~315,000 years old          
Locality: Ngaloba, near Laetoli, Tanzania

(age between 0.5 Ma and 0.13 Ma based on U-Th, Ar-Ar)
~395,000 years old          
Locality: Jebel Barakah, coastline between Jebel Dhannah and the Qatar peninsula, Abu Dhabi

(age between 0.780 Ma and 0.010 Ma based on stratigraphic position and geomorphology)
~440,000 years old          
Locality: Swanscombe, Galley Hill, Kent, England, Great Britain

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on unspecified)
~440,000 years old          
Locality: Apidima, Mani, southern Peloponnese, Greece

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on nothing)
~450,000 years old          
Locality: Lantian, Chenjiawo, Yehu (near Lantian city), China

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.12 Ma based on Paleomag)
~450,000 years old          
Locality: Saint-Acheul, Amiens (nappe de Freville; nappe de la Garenne; nappe de l'Epinette; Saint-Acheul; Cagny-Cimetiere; Cagny-la Garenne 1; Cagny-la Garenne 2; Cagny-Ferme de l'Epinette; Cagny-l'Epinett ), France

(age between 0.8 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on ESR, U-Series, Paleomag)
~452,500 years old          
Locality: Gona Gawis, Gona, Ethiopia

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.125 Ma based on Gross biochron, nothing official published yet)
~452,500 years old          
Locality: Revadim Quarry, north of Kibbutz Revadim, near Bet Hilqiyya, Israel

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.125 Ma based on Normal geomagnetic polarity)
~452,500 years old          
Locality: Tan Tan, Draa River north of town of Tan Tan (incorrect location decribed by Bednarik, 2003), Morocco

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.125 Ma based on Archaeology)
~453,000 years old          
Locality: Zuttiyeh Cave, Wadi Amud, Hokuk , Israel

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.126 Ma based on unspecified)
~453,000 years old          
Locality: Vaal River Powers site, Power's site and other adjacent localities (Pneil 6, Pneil 7, Riverview Estate, and Canteen Koppie), South Africa

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.126 Ma based on Very rough biochron association with Elandsfontein)
~453,000 years old          
Locality: Doornlaagte, 41 km due west of Kimberley, beside the road to Schmidtsdrif, South Africa

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.126 Ma based on unspecified)
~453,000 years old          
Locality: Altamura, Grotta di Lamalunga, Bari, Apulia, Italy

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.126 Ma based on nothing)
~455,000 years old          
Locality: Ain Maarouf, Ain Maarouf, Morocco

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.13 Ma based on Biochron, paleomag)
~455,000 years old          
Locality: Ternifine or Tighenif, (Tighenif), Algeria

(age between 0.78 Ma and 0.13 Ma based on Biochron, paleomag)
~500,000 years old          
Locality: Wadi Dagadle, Oued Dagadle, Djibouti

(age between 0.9 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on TL)
~550,000 years old          
Locality: Yediyapur Locality IV, Baichbal Valley, Gulbargai District of Karnataka, South India, India

(age between 1 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on nothing)
~550,000 years old          
Locality: Menchecourt, Somme Valley, Abbeville, France

(age between 1 Ma and 0.1 Ma based on ESR, U-Series, Paleomag)
~750,000 years old          
Locality: Mount Pua (Mt. Pua), Central Dishon Valley, Upper Galilee, Israel

(age between 1.5 Ma and 0 Ma based on nothing)
~750,050 years old          
Locality: Attirampakkam, Tamil Nadu, India

(age between 1.5 Ma and 0.0001 Ma based on archaeology)

Database structure, interface design, and content ©2002-2025 Henry Gilbert

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Human Fossil Record by Henry Gilbert is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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tool icon legend mode 5 hot sybol hot spot mode 4 hot spot fire hot spot mode 3 hot spot mode 2 hot spot mode 1 hot spot presents precise geographic locations and current best date estimates for late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene sites with human ancestor (hominin) fossils and archaeology. Several interactive visual interfaces allow users to generate maps and tables that relate localities, fossils, tools, and evolutioanry events with geography and time. The data content is dynamic and is updated daily, as are new interface features. This site started as a course syllabus for Anthropology 3101: Human Evolution 2 at California State University, East Bay, and grew with each quarter it was used. Now has over 200 sites and hundreds of bibliographic citations. Check back often for updates. human evolution database paleoanthropology biological anthropology database physical anthropology human origins coordinates site locations location latitude longitude age Pleistocene database Quaternary database Pliocene Holocene evolutionary history site database geochronology hominin hominidae hominid hominini acheulean oldowan middle stone age mousterian paleolithic late stone age neolithic hominin database hominin DB hominin darabase hominin dayabase hominin datavase hominid darabase hominid dayabase hominid datavase hominid database hominid fossil database human origins database hominin database hominin fossil database hominid skull human ancestor database fossil human ancestors best paleoanthropology site best paleoanthropology database best hominin database best hominid database hominin site database hominid site database coordinates map hominid site map hominin site map paleoanthropology site coordinates human evolution database human origins database fossil record database