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Approximate age:226,000 years old=average of minimum (0.162 Ma) and maximum (0.290 Ma)
Date based on: TL, ESR, MIS 7 See map of sites with similar ages
Dating reference: Guipert, G., de Lumley, M. A., Tuffreau, A., & Mafart, B. (2010). A late Middle Pleistocene hominid: Biache-Saint-Vaast 2, North France. Comptes Rendus Palevol.
Hominids: Homo neanderthalensis
Archaeology:Middle Stone Age (MSA)/Mousterian
Important specimens: Large, diagnostic fragments of frontal, pareital, sphenoid, and occipital. Probable single individual.
Location: Pas-de-Calais, France
Map location/coordinates reference: Guipert, G., de Lumley, M. A., Tuffreau, A., & Mafart, B. (2010). A late Middle Pleistocene hominid: Biache-Saint-Vaast 2, North France. Comptes Rendus Palevol.
Key references: Auguste, P. (1995). Chasse et charognage au PalÈolithique moyen: l'apport du gisement de Biache-Saint-Vaast (Pas-de-Calais). Bulletin de la SociÈtÈ prÈhistorique franÁaise, 92(2), 155-168.
; archaeo ref: Tuffreau, A. (1979). Les dÈbuts du PalÈolithique moyen dans la France septentrionale. Bulletin de la SociÈtÈ prÈhistorique franÁaise, 76(5), 140-142.