Lukenya Hill GvJm-16; GvJm-22; GvJm-46,    Kenya Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 dating of collagen in bones of associated BIO. Al: c. 17800 BP(5-UCLA-LJ) on basis of amino acid (aspartic acid) dating of hominid parietal. R.Protsch 1975: 315. R.M.Gramly and G.P.Rightmire 1973.M:Lukenya Hill 1. adult male?: frontale lt parietale."Akazawa Takeru 2007 Catalog of Fossil Hominids; R.Protsch 1975: 315; M:Lukenya Hill 1. adult male?: frontale lt parietal. from Akazawa Takeru 2007 Catalog of Fossil Hominids; C14 and bone apatiteReference: Kusimba Sibel Barut. The Early Later Stone Age in East Africa: Excavations and Lithic Assemblages from Lukenya Hill. The African Arcaheological Review. 18:2 (2001) 77-123.
Homo sapiens
mode4 Bipolar cores and flakes; Blades flake; Burin; Late Stone Age; Microlith; Point projectile; Scraper; Burned bones (fire); fire (any evidence); test
Machakos area ~ 30 km southeast of Nairobi.
Rock-shelter base of hill central southern face
Lukenya Hill 1 frontal parietal
Notes:†Warning! Open-air MSA-LSA site of THE SAME NAME exists in Tanzania. Do not be confused! This site; in Kenya; is artifact-free hominid fossil site.

student Students of ANTH 6100
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C14; OIS;
C14 dating of collagen in bones of associated fauna. Al: c. 17800 BP(5-UCLA-LJ) on basis of amino acid (aspartic acid) dating of hominid parietal. R.Protsch 1975: 315. R.M.Gramly and G.P.Rightmire 1973.M:Lukenya Hill 1. adult male?: frontale lt parietale. Akazawa Takeru 2007 Catalog of Fossil HominidsNote however that Basel 2008 lists it in OIS 3 (0.05-0.06 Ma): Basell L. S. (2008). Middle Stone Age (MSA) site distributions in eastern Africa and their relationship to Quaternary environmental change refugia and the evolution of Homo sapiens .Quaternary Science Reviews 27(27): 2484-2498. Akazawa Takeru 2007 Catalog of Fossil Hominids
Homo sapiens
mode4 mode3 ;Discoid - core; Levallois flake; Prepared core - Levallois disk core; Prepared core - Levallois flake or flake core; Lukenya Hill 1 frontal parietal;
Rock-shelter base of hill central southern face
"R.Protsch 1975: 315. R.M.Gramly and G.P.Rightmire 1973.M:Lukenya Hill 1. adult male?: frontale lt parietale." from Akazawa Takeru 2007 Catalog of Fossil Hominids