Pie[d] Lombard [cave] [Tour[r]ettes-sur-Loup] 4el-4d,    France Go to Data Dashboard
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TMLM based on [burnt] flint from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode3 Typical Mousterian; hearth; fire
abri- Boyle; K. 1998 ("The Middle Palaeolithic geography of southern France: resources and site location"; Oxford; BAR international series; 723: 72-3): Beyries 1987; Gerber 1973; de Lumley 1969; Texier 1974. 200m asl; in Loup valley (15km from sea). Typical Moust layers [4el; 4e; 4d = "Wurm I"; overlain by 4c; 4b & 4a]; & 44.2% are on large blanks. Ibex = >56% of fauna (Gerber 1973). Archaeology: Texier; P-J. 1974 (BSPF 429-48).