Pinnacle Point 13a,    South Africa Go to Data Dashboard
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Marean C. W. Bar-Matthews M. Bernatchez J. Fisher E. Goldberg P. Herries A. I. R. et al. (2007). Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene. Nature 449(7164) 905-908.
Homo sapiens
mode3 mode5 mode5 symbol fire mode3 ; Point - projectile; Wooden spears found in a mine among the remains of butchered animal remains; wood tools; Levallois and Bladelet Technology;
Mossel Bay
Homo sapiens
Marean C. W. Bar-Matthews M. Bernatchez J. Fisher E. Goldberg P. Herries A. I. R. et al. (2007). Early human use of marine resources and pigment in South Africa during the Middle Pleistocene. Nature 449(7164) 905-908.