Rose Cottage Cave,    South Africa Go to Data Dashboard
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Lombard M. (2012). Thinking through the middle Stone Age of sub-Saharan Africa. Quaternary International 270 140-155.Soriano S. Villa P. & Wadley L. (2007). Blade technology and tool forms in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa: the Howiesons Poort and post-Howiesons Poort at rose Cottage Cave. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(5) 681-703.Gibson N. E. Wadley L. & Williamson B. S. (2004). Microscopic residues as evidence of hafting on backed tools from the 60 000 to 68 000 year-old Howiesons Poort layers of Rose Cottage Cave South Africa. Southern African Humanities 16 1-11.; terms/g ose_cottage.htm; Soriano Sylvain Paola Villa Lyn Wadley. Blade technology and tool forms in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa: the Howeisons Poort and post-Howeisons Poort at Rose Cottage Cave. Journal of Archaeological Science 34:5 (2007) 681-703; Valladas H. et al. (2005) Thermoluminescence dating on burnt lithics from Middle Stone Age layers at Rose Cottage Cave : research article. 101 p.169-174
mode3 blades backed blades flakes triangles and blanks primarily from fine-grained opaline (or chalcedony); Howiesons Poort;projectile; projectile- arrow; fire; hearth;
Lombard M. (2012). Thinking through the middle Stone Age of sub-Saharan Africa. Quaternary International 270 140-155.Soriano S. Villa P. & Wadley L. (2007). Blade technology and tool forms in the Middle Stone Age of South Africa: the Howiesons Poort and post-Howiesons Poort at rose Cottage Cave. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(5) 681-703.Gibson N. E. Wadley L. & Williamson B. S. (2004). Microscopic residues as evidence of hafting on backed tools from the 60 000 to 68 000 year-old Howiesons Poort layers of Rose Cottage Cave South Africa. Southern African Humanities 16 1-11; Henshilwood C. S. & Dubreuil B. (2011). The still bay and howiesons poort 77-59 ka: Symbolic material culture and the evolution of the mind during the african middle stone age. Current Anthropology 52 (3) 361-400.