Saccopastore,    Italy Go to Data Dashboard
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Bruner E. & Manzi G. Saccopastore 1: the earliest Neanderthal? A new look at an old cranium. Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives 23-36.Bruner E. & Manzi G. Saccopastore 1: the earliest Neanderthal? A new look at an old cranium. Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives 23-36.
Homo neanderthalensis
mode3 mode3 fire
vallČe de l'Anienne (northeast Rome)
Quarry originally outside Rome. Now area is part of the city. Coordinates from Google Earth and site descriptions. See: Bruner E. & Manzi G. Saccopastore 1: the earliest Neanderthal? A new look at an old cranium. Neanderthals Revisited: New Approaches and Perspectives 23-36.
Homo neanderthalensis
Cranium fire (Karkanas P. Shahack-Gross R. Ayalon A. Bar-Matthews M. Barkai R. Frumkin A. et al. (2007). Evidence for habitual use of fire at the end of the Lower Paleolithic: Site-formation processes at Qesem Cave Israel. Journal of human evolution 53(2) 197-212.)