Sodmein Cave,    Egypt Go to Data Dashboard
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C14; TML;
Mercier N. Valladas H. Froget L. Joron J. L. Vermeersch P. M. Van Peer P. et al. (1999). Thermoluminescence dating of a middle palaeolithic occupation at Sodmein Cave Red Sea Mountains (Egypt). Journal of Archaeological Science 26(11) 1339-1345. Thermoluminescence dating of burned artifacts; The date here can be interpreted along with C14 on overlying charcoals to >45k years old; TLM dating.Mercier Norbert et al. "Thermoluminescence dating of a middle palaeolithic occupation at Sodmein Cave Red Sea Mountains (Egypt)." Journal of Archaeological Science 26.11 (1999): 1339-1345.
mode3 mode4 ; Burin; Levallois flake;Earliest bow and arrow (>61 Ka); pigments or ochre- unequivocal symbolic utilization; projectile points
Red Sea Mountains
The date here can be interpreted along with C14 on overlying charcoals to >45k years old.
MSA hearths early difinitive fire
Rots V. Van Peer P. & Vermeersch P. M. (2011). Aspects of tool production use and hafting in Palaeolithic assemblages from Northeast Africa. Journal of human evolution 60(5) 637-664.Moeyersons J. Vermeersch P. M. & Van Peer P. (2002). Dry cave deposits and their palaeoenvironmental significance during the last 115 ka Sodmein Cave Red Sea Mountains Egypt. Quaternary Science Reviews 21(7) 837-851.