Beeches Pit,    United Kingdom Go to Data Dashboard
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STR to OIS 11 and OIS 12; TML; URN; Preece R. C. Gowlett J. A. J. Parfitt S. A. Bridgland D. R. & Lewis S. G. (2006). Humans in the Hoxnian: habitat context and fire use at Beeches Pit West Stow Suffolk UK. Journal of Quaternary Science 21(5) 485-496.; Gowlett J. A. J. (2006). The early settlement of northern Europe: fire history in the context of climate change and the social brain. CR Palevol 5 299-310.
mode2 mode2 fire
Thetford Forest Suffolk England
Earliest fire in UK

Wood B. (Ed.). (2011). Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution 2 Volume Set: Wiley-Blackwell.