Swartkrans Member 3,    South Africa Go to Data Dashboard
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URN on teeth; Balter V. Blichert-Toft J. Braga J. Telouk P. Thackeray F. & AlbarĖde F. (2007). U-Pb dating of fossil enamel from the Swartkrans Pleistocene hominid site South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
disputed evidence of fire use; bone tools; digging stick?
Swartkrans Cradle of Humankind
Association of evidence for fire (burned bones) with hominid activity is highly controversial. For most this equivocal evidence for early fire is merely a footnote to the more reliable evidence found at Gesher Benot Yaakov (reliably dated to about 700 ka) and Yuanmou.
Burned bones
Brain C. K. (1958). The Transvaal ape-man bearing cave deposits. Transvaal Museum Memoir 11. 1967 The Transvaal Museum's fossil project at Swartkrans. South African Journal of Science 63 378-384.