Temnata Cave TD-V: 3a [bone from 3d],    Bulgaria Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on bone from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode4 EpiGravettian (Upper Paleolithic); hearth; fire
cave- Ginter; B.; & Kozlowski; J.K. 1992 (In: Temnata Cave: Excavations in Karlukovo Karst Area; Bulgaria; vol. 1.1; ed. J.K. Kozlowski; H. Laville & N. Sirakov; Jagellonian University Press; Cracow: 289-93). Ginter; B.; et al. 1996 (In: The Last Neandertals; the First Anatomically Modern Humans; ed. E. Carbonell & M. Vaquero; Universitat Rovira i Virgili: 169-200)