Vorontsov Cave [Grotte de la Petite according to Ljubin 1997. possibly one of "2" levels [2; 2a or 2b],    Russia Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode3 Late Mousterian; hearth; fire
cave- Typical Mousterian: three Mousterian levels in all; including levels 3 & 4 (whose pollen dominated by conifers). Fauna from Mousterian levels more than 95% dominated by cave bear. Ljubin; V.P. 1997 (In Dictionnaire de la Prehistoire [A. Leroi-Gourhan]: 1165 & 1219). Klein; R.G. 1967 (Ampurias; 29: 93-115; esp. 107-9).