Willendorf II 5 / C2 [echantillon IV II; level 5],    Austria Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on charcoal from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode4 Gravettian (Upper Paleolithic); hearth; fire
open- Svoboda; J.; Lozek; V.; & Vlcek; E. 1996 (Hunters between East and West: the Paleolithic of Moravia: 136). GrN datelist 6: 97-8: 15.4167E; 48.35N; Haesaerts; P.; et al. 1996 (Archaeologia Austriaca 80: 25-42; esp. p. 34); Damblon; F.; et al. 1996 (Prehistoire Europeenne 9: 177-231). Archaeology: Otte; M. 1981 (Le Gravettien en Europe Centrale: 261-99); 1994 (El Cuadro geochronologico del Paleolitico superior inicial; ed. F Bernaldo de Quiros: 53-64); etc.