Border Cave,    South Africa Go to Data Dashboard
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Millard A. R. (2006). Bayesian analysis of ESR dates with application to Border Cave. Quaternary Geochronology 1(2) 159-166.; Gr¸n R. Beaumont P. B. & Stringer C. B. (1990). ESR dating evidence for early modern humans at Border Cave in South Africa.; Gr¸n R. & Beaumont P. (2001). Border Cave revisited: a revised ESR chronology. Journal of human evolution 40(6) 467-482. Uranium series and ESR datingReference URN and ESR analyses of bones and teeth relating to the human burials from Skhul Israel. Rainer Grun Chris Stringer Frank McDermott Roger Nathan Naomi Porat Steve Robertson Lois Taylor Graham Mortimer Stephen Eggins and Malcolm McCulloch. Journal of Human Evolution 49:3 (2005) 316-334.R. Gr?ºn P. Beaumont Border Cave revisited: A revised ESR chronology Journal of Human Evolution 40 (2001) pp. 467‚Äì482R. Gr?ºn P. Beaumont P.V. Tobias S. Eggins On the age of Border Cave 5 human mandible Journal of human Evolution 45 (2003) pp. 155‚Äì167; 14C dates Miller G. H. et al. (1999). Earliest modern humans in southern Africa dated by isoleucine epimerization in ostrich eggshell. Quaternary Science 18 1537-1548; C14Reference: Villa Paola Sylvain Soriano Tsenka Tsanova Ilaria Degano Thomas F. G. Higham Francesco d‚ÄôErrico Lucinda Backwell Jeannette J. Lucejko Maria Perla Colombin Peter B. Beaumont. Border Cave and the beginning of the Later Stone Age in South Africa. PNAS 109:33 (2012) 13208-13213 dos: 10. 1073/pnas. 1202629109
Homo sapiens idaltu
mode3 Middle Stone Age; Microliths;fire (any evidence)
Lebombo Mountains
Anatomically modern Homo sapiens
Anatomically modern Homo sapiens
Millard A. R. (2006). Bayesian analysis of ESR dates with application to Border Cave. Quaternary Geochronology 1(2) 159-166. ; Gr??n R. Beaumont P. B. & Stringer C. B. (1990). ESR dating evidence for early modern humans at Border Cave in South Africa. ; Gr??n R. & Beaumont P. (2001). Border Cave revisited: a revised ESR chronology. Journal of human evolution 40(6) 467-482; URN and ESR analyses of bones and teeth relating to the human burials from Skhul Israel. Rainer Grun Chris Stringer Frank McDermott Roger Nathan Naomi Porat Steve Robertson Lois Taylor Graham Mortimer Stephen Eggins and Malcolm McCulloch. Journal of Human Evolution 49:3 (2005) 316-334.R. Gr?ºn P. Beaumont Border Cave revisited: A revised ESR chronology Journal of Human Evolution 40 (2001) pp. 467‚Äì482R. Gr?ºn P. Beaumont P.V. Tobias S. Eggins On the age of Border Cave 5 human mandible Journal of human Evolution 45 (2003) pp. 155‚Äì167