Brassempouy [Grande Galerie 2] 2g sup. [square Q5],    France Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on bone collagen from esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode4 Chatelperronian (Upper Paleolithic); hearth; fire
cave- Bon et al. 1998; in Mellars; P. 2000 (Neanderthals on the Edge; ed. C.B. Stringer; R.N.E. Barton & J.C. Finlayson; Oxford; Oxbow Monographs: 35 [33-9]); Buisson; D.; & Delporte; H. 1990 (In: Paleolithique Moyen et Paleolithique Superieur Ancien en Europe: colloque international de Nemours; 1988 (Memoires du Musee de Prehistoire d'Ile-de-France; 3); ed. C. Farizy: 189-93); Buisson; D. 1996 (Pyrenees Prehistoriques: arts et societes [Actes du 118e congres national de Pau]; ed. H. Delporte & J. Clottes: 423-37).