Dolni Vestonice I Disturbed find horizon below the cultural layer,    Czech Republic Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on charcoal from esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
Homo sapiens: "D[olni] V[estonice] XIII": male; "D[olni] V[estonice] I": young male: calvaria; "D[olni] V[estonice] II": middle-aged female: calvaria; "D[olni] V[estonice] III": middle-aged female: intact cranium; mandible; post-cranial skeleton preserved en bloc; "D[olni] V[estonice] IV": child: very fragmentary sinistral parietale; "D[olni] V[estonice] V": fragmentary frontale; "D[olni] V[estonice] VIa": fragmentary frontale; "D[olni] V[estonice] VIb": fragmentary occipitale; "D[olni] V[estonice] VII": 2 teeth; "D[olni] V[estonice] VIII": incisor with bored root [pendant]; "D[olni] V[estonice] IX": 2M; C; "D[olni] V[estonice] X": d[eciduous] m[olar]. Oakley; K.P.; et al. 1971 (Catalogue of Fossil Hominids; Part II: Europe: 50-1).
mode4 [Gravettian (Upper Paleolithic)]; hearth; fire
open- Damblon; F.; et al. 1996 (Prehistoire Europeenne 9: 188). Archaeology: Klima; B. 1963 (Dolni Vestonice: vyzkum taboriste lovcu mumutu v letech 1947-1952); 1981 (Pamatky Archeologicke 72: 5-92); summaries in: Anon. 1984 (Art et Civilisations des Chasseurs de la Prehistoire; Laboratoire de Prehistoire du Musee de l'Homme; Paris: 193-197); and Svoboda; J.; et al. 1996 (Hunters between East and West: The Palaeolithic of Moravia; Plenum Press: 209-12).