Gr Barbara "tongue of sediment; adhering to the wall of the cave; and in a side fissure",    Italy Go to Data Dashboard
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AMS C14 based on charred bone from esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
mode4 Aurignacian (Upper Paleolithic); hearth; fire
cave- Paul Pettitt database. Archaeology [mostly for Mousterian]: Caloi; L.; & Palombo; M.R. 1990-91 (Quaternaria Nova; 1: 267-76); Mussi; M.; & Zampetti; D. 1990-91 (ibid. 277-87); Zampetti; D.; & Mussi; M. 1988 (In: L'Homme de Neandertal; 8: La Mutation; ERAUL 35; ed. J.K. Kozlowski: 273-88); Mussi; M. 1992 (Popoli e civilta' dell'Italia antica; Biblioteca di Storia Patria; Bologna).