Kostienki I Cultural layer 3; sq. D 74,    Russia Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on charcoal from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
Homo sapiens[?]: 2 tibiae; fragment of pelvis and 1 tooth. Remnants of burials subsequently destroyed by permafrost[?]. Anikovich; M. 1992 (Journal of World Prehistory; 6: 240).
mode4 Early Upper Paleolithic [Aurignacian (Upper Paleolithic)]; hearth; fire
open- Too young? Damblon; F.; et al. 1996 (Prehistoire Europeenne 9: 199); Sinitsyn; A. 1993 (Actes du XIIe Congres International des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques [Bratislava 1991]: Aurignacien en Europe et au Proche Orient; ed. L. Banesz & J.K. Kozlowski: 242-59; esp. 256);