Kostienki XVII [Spitsyn site] Cultural layer 2 ["lower layer"*],    Russia Go to Data Dashboard
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C14 based on charcoal from http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk esearch esearch-groups/oistage3/stage-three-project-database-downloads
Homo sapiens
mode4 Early Upper Paleolithic - Spitsyn; hearth; fire
open- Damblon; F.; et al. 1996 (Prehistoire Europeenne 9: 200); Soffer; O. 1989 (In: The Human Revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives in the origins of modern humans; ed. P. Mellars & C. Stringer; Edinburgh University Press; Edinburgh: 714-42; esp. 718). Anikovich; M. 1992 (Journal of World Prehistory; 6: 205-45). *According to Svezhentsev; Y.S.; & Popov; S.G. 1993 (C14; 35: 497).
Homo sapiens: "Kostenki 5": sinistral M3. Oakley; K.P.; et al. 1971 (Catalogue of Fossil Hominids; Part II: Europe: 323-4).